
Metafit Geelong- February Workout

Hi Guys! The new February workout ‘A Game Workout’ will be on show this week at Geelong’s home of MetaFit, Main Event Fitness! This will run at our usual time of Tuesday & Thursday at 7am. As always casual sessions are available at just $10! Don’t know what MetaFit is? Check out our Metafit page for more info.

The ‘A Game’ is 21 minutes long and has 3 rounds of exercises with random work rest times for each. Every round finishes with a nasty back to back press up matrix and then a final a press up finisher!! 

Ski Jumper
Agility Sprint
Downhill holds
Zig Zag Skater
Volleyball Block
Pop Ups
Telemark Turns
Long Jump

Press Up Matrix at the end of each round, 15 seconds on each Wide, Narrow, Split and finally 180 Jump press ups, with 20 seconds between rounds.

Each round is completely random, and the finisher goes twice through the 1 minute press up matrix, NASTY! Download the track, use the media pack to advertise, practice the moves and let us know how you get on.

Good Luck! 

Metafit Geelong Main Event Fitness