Jacqui Neill

Digital Marketing / Content Creation

What’s your role?

I work across our Digital Marketing and content creation at ETC! You’ll find me at reception in the mornings, most likely laughing at my own jokes.

What’s your favourite type of training?

I love Pilates so I’m over the moon that we have Pilates classes at Carbon Gym!

What do you love most about ETC?

Our members! I’ve never come across a community quite like this one! Being a part of the Elite family has been such a wholesome experience, it makes my day when people stop at my desk for a chat before and after their workouts! Bonus points for our members that bring their dogs in to the gym too!

Favourite food?


Why did you get into the fitness industry?

I enjoy living an active lifestyle so working in this industry surrounds me with like-minded, amazing people!

Tell us something about yourself:

Likes: Wine, beach, food, fam, adventure, and sunshine!

Dislikes: Cold windy Victorian weather and burpees.

Jacqui - Social Media Gym Geelong

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